Japan Is Getting a New Emperor. Here’s What to Know About Him(TIME, APRIL 30, 2019)

Japanese Emperor Akihito declares historic abdication(BBC, APRIL 30, 2019)

Japon : après 30 ans de règne, l'empereur Akihito a abdiqué(FRANCE 24, 30/04/2019)


Reiwa – Japan’s new imperial era – represents beautiful harmony and adheres to the established naming custom in that it comprises two kanji characters. A break with centuries of tradition as the first era name to have been inspired by a Japanese, rather than Chinese, work of classical literature is made for the first time in thirteen centuries. The characters are taken from a stanza in a poem about plum blossoms that appears in Man’yoshu, the oldest existing collection of Japanese poetry, that described the beautiful spring landscape of Yamato, an ancient Japan.
Personally, having been born in Showa, having passed by Heisei, and to die in Reiwa, so I live in three eras of the Emperor. I think that we Japanese are people who share movements, experiences, impressions, mutual confidence, and views of life through the era of the Emperor.
The scenery and beauty of plum blossoms do not change even in an ancient Japan, I believe. The whole outcome of every one struggling through its life and engraving its life in the era of Reiwa will become an era conscious of one and only, and be taken over by the next Japanese generation.

秋仁皇帝の退位は、日本の女性にとって何を意味するのでしょうか(Al Jazeera English, May 1早朝にライブ配信)

World Insight— Japanese Emperor address(CCTV, 08/11/2016)

Al Jazeeraが改元の朝にライブで特集報道をしている。そのテーマは君主制で、皇帝は男性でなければならないと伝統主義者だけではなく、多くの日本人が信じてきたが、この問題に対する世間の意識が変化していることに注目している。日本と同様に伝統的家父長制社会であるアラブ諸国の視聴者にとって皇室の動向は文化的に関心が高まる話題なのだろう。日本の伝統への関心と敬意を示してはいるが、その理解はまだ低く、皇室に対する私たちの本当の意識を正確に伝えていく必要があるように思う。