人生は宝石箱をいっぱいに満たす時間で、平穏な日常は手を伸ばせばすぐに届く近くに、自分のすぐ隣にあると思っていた(中略)… とりとめもなく書き留めたこの備忘録が、お互いの記憶の扉になればと願う。(中略)……竜宮城で手に入れた玉手箱は、開けると危険なタイムマシンだった(中略)… 子供の頃から毎日追い求めた平穏な日常を、死ぬまで追いかけていくことが、人生を楽しむことであると思うから。
It's time for us to wake up from "corona brain", cool down, witness the facts, and think rationally. Let's call out to the national and local governments to collect, organize, analyze and publicize the following signal transmissions of victims after vaccination, which have begun to be reported.
Are vaccinated people fully aware of the facts of side effects that occur to them after vaccination? Do all people agree that the new corona vaccine is given with special approval without waiting for a domestic phase III study? Does people know what the components of the vaccine are in his body? Thorough informed consent, which should be fully considered in medical practice, is neglected in this vaccination project.
Looking at the mysterious distribution of local governments that have enacted STOP-Corona-discrimination ordinances, it becomes clear that Japan's wisdom is not found in the region east of Hakone Mountain or in the Taiheiyo Belt region.
Isn't the unvaccinated person who is the target of "vaccine harassment" discriminated against? The current policy of the national and local governments, which puts the focus of measures against COVID-19 on vaccination, is tolerating the sympathetic pressure of society and creating discrimination what we call WakuHara. Vaccine passports are being promoted with the slogan to prevent the spread of COVID-19, but they are clearly a violation of basic human rights. Policies that prioritize economic freedom over human rights in the name of public welfare are unconstitutional.
Gasoline shortages have occurred in the UK, LNG shortages have occurred in the EU, and rising coal prices in China have caused power outages. The signal at the end of the Excessive Liquidity market is stagflation:the price increase that occurs at the same time as the recession. Stock prices plunge when stagflation occurs.
In front the Tokyo District Court, the banner displayed by the members of the "Saitama-Corona Problem Thinking Group" adorned the FB transmission of the law firm. It was a day when I exercised our freedom of expression with all one's might in the center of Japan.
Toxins and heavy metals contained in the vaccine may remain accumulated in tissues, especially body fat cells, and slowly invade the immune system, brain / nervous system, or DNA. Although not always controllable, it is always a good idea to carry out vaccine detox and remove unwanted substances from your body as soon as possible.
Ryohin Keikaku Co., Ltd., which is growing its business around the world, as a brand with high-quality and simple daily necessities, earns about half of its sales in China. In such a business environment, Ryohin Keikaku is forced to choose satisfying the Chinese government and local consumers or listening to the warnings of human rights activists.
The evolution of military drones originally started with unmanned aerial vehicles to prevent the pilots from dying. In the future, it has the potential to go further and become a "war without human intervention." The drone has been downsized and has become a game changer in the world of war.
Definitely the reasons why medical care workers do not complete their second vaccination are not because of delays in vaccination, but because they do not trust the vaccine. They have been rarely reported due to the structure of conflicts of interest among medical professionals. Therefore, I would like to carefully check SNS etc. and to find out the health care workers' true opinions.
In many low-density areas of Japan, vaccination-related aggravation and mortality risks are higher than those of the coronavirus infection.
The child-rearing generation recognizes the need for community relationships. In addition, the older people are, the more strongly their relationships in the community increase. However, in reality, various issues such as "stagnation of residents' association activities" have become apparent nationwide.
This scene was exactly what many government officials had said that the system was rigged before the election. It became clear that the balance of powers that we believed for long time was nothing but building a castle in the air, and that the neutral, fair, and reliable information from the media was a lie.
President Trump has been censored and can't say what he wants to say, so let us speak for you. I read my blog on December 13th and uploaded it to YouTube.
I've picked up 10 personal news stories for the year-end and New Year greetings.
In Higashikagawa City, Kagawa Prefecture, Shikoku, plans are underway to provide the site of Fukue Elementary School to a school corporation in Beijing China free of charge, and to set up a PLA spy training school called the Haidian Foreign Language Academy Japan.
From April 2022, the reduction rate of the pension when starting to receive the pension from the age of 60 will be improved from 30% to 24%. As a result, the total amount of pensions received from the age of 60 will catch up with that of those who received the pension from the age of 65, at the age of 80 years and 10 months (currently 76 years and 8 months). 80 years and 10 months is almost the same as the average life expectancy of men in Japan, which is the most important reason of the pension receiving benefits ahead of schedule.
長い梅雨が終わった頃、本を探していたアマゾンのサイトからPrime Videoのページを開き、ふと、おすすめの映画の中から「日日是好日」を見ていて大発見をした。もちろん「日日是好日」の映画のテーマや情景描写には心打たれた。しかしその程度の日常の発見ではなく、それは人生の中でも何度かしかないであろう大発見であった。なんと主人公を演じる女性の姿にドキッとしたのである。突然、頭の中が27年前にフラッシュバックした。
It was not an ordinary discovery, but an extraordinary discovery that would only be encountered few times in life. I was surprised at the appearance of the woman who played the heroine. Suddenly, my brain flashed back 27 years ago.
A novel was posted by a Japanese novelist Naoki Hyakuta on an amateur novelist's posting site, "Let's become a novelist." It's a story designed to make Corona's epidemic a fable and to warn the future of Japan. What does the novelist bring to Japan? Being a best-selling author or living with royalties is not a novelist.
With the surge in the number of people infected COVID-19 in Tokyo, it has been widely observed that the emergency declaration has entered the countdown phase. Along with the movement surrounding the declaration of emergency, there are a lot of dangerous risks that can be called the collapse of social institutions and systems.
Individual activities on the net should be free in principle. Restrictions on freedom by the copyright law should be kept to a necessary minimum. The legal philosophies to which serious consideration and attention should be paid are the fundamental rights that underlie the constitution and civil law, and the fundamental rights that are recognized in any country. The amendment of the Copyright Law violates the freedom of expression guaranteed by the basic human rights and is unconstitutional.
We, the Japanese, have not reflected on the mistakes made, have not taken responsibilities for, and have left the government to make contaminated water spill over the world, despite options to reduce pollution technically. Can we do that? This is an expression of intention to abandon the foundation of Japan's existence as a technology-oriented nation, and it is a truly shameful act of the Japanese.
Rape blossoms were gracefully swaying beneath the riverbank just below Kawara Bridge in Ohotoshi Furu Tone. After appreciating as much as possible, I was thankful to and had them for lunch. I really enjoyed a healthy menu of miso soup, bran pickles and natto.
The film "KONO SEKAI-no KATASUMINI" is an animated film having depicted the everyday lives of the ordinary people on the stage of Hiroshima, where the atomic bomb was dropped. Through this animated film, I would like Japanese children to see the folly of the war, the sadness of the war, and the importance of a positive attitude to recover from zero, along with the way of life of Suzu-san which overlaps with the real life of the Japanese.
米国など各国が乗客の救出に乗り出した。岩田健太郎 感染症専門医が新型コロナウイルス(Covid-19)の感染対応の不備を告発をしてオープンな議論を巻き起こした。私たち市民も声を上げて、ウイルス製造機と化している船内に閉じ込められている乗客・乗員の方々を(医療者たちを含めて)早く救出しよう。
Several nations including US are evacuating their citizens from the ship Diamond Princess. Heavy criticism over the handling of the Covid-19 virus outbreak by a health expert Kentarou Iwata opened a discussion. Let us of citizens speak up and rescue passengers and crew members (including healthcare professionals) who are trapped inside the ship that has been turned into a virus production machine.
Four reasons we should decide to stop Olympics & Paralympics are as follows.
《Ⅰ》People's lives should be prioritized over Olympics & Paralympics
《Ⅱ》Serious defects in the stage of the Olympics & Paralympics invitation
《Ⅲ》Poor preparations for the Olympics & Paralympics and poor managements
《Ⅳ》Decide to start over and avoid accumulating negative legacy
Participating in the election of our regional council for the first time, it has become clear that the corrupt ineffectiveness of the local council is the real cause of sinking Japan. The members of the local council, the mayor, and the executive town officials have been hijacking the local council as if the brotherhood parties were assembled. They have been handling the local government in line with the convenience of only a handful of powerful stakeholders.
Along with the Abe Administration's "Free and Open Indo-Pacific Initiative," there is another Japanese global strategy that should be rebuilt. It is a concept called the "Anticommunist Corridor Initiative", a geopolitical world strategy once promoted confidentially by the former Imperial Japanese Army. Although the historical fact had been sealed as a taboo after the war, Mr. Hideyuki Sekioka carefully examined new materials, including the secret official telegram of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and elucidated the entire concept of the Anticommunist Corridor Initiative. I am impressed with his attitude of checking on his own feet and repeating the interview. Although my career was slightly different, I would like to inherit Sekioka's achievement as a Japanese of the same generation who saw the insides of China and India at the same period.
中国電子商取引最大手、アリババ集団創業者の馬雲(Jack Ma)氏は2019/12/21に中国上海市で行われた中国企業家のフォーラムで、「2019年、国内企業家は皆、大変だった」と述べ、自身が1日に5人の友人から「金を貸して」との連絡を受けたと明かした。メインストリームメディアでもYouTubeでも、中国ウォチャーでなくても誰でもが、2019年後半から2020年に向けて中国経済は不動産取引を起点にバブル崩壊に向かっていることを確認できる。この暗号法が、もしもの時に中国人の全ての資産を差し押さえることで、迫りつつある中国経済破綻を予防する緊急避難措置になるだろう。
Jack Ma, the founder and retired chairman of Chinese internet giant Alibaba, said “Yesterday, I received a lot of phone calls from friends to borrow money. Five calls in one day. In the past week, about ten of my friends sold their real estate properties [to collect cash]. It’s really hard,” Ma said at a business forum in Shanghai on Dec. 21. that business owners are struggling to pay suppliers and employees at the end of the year after a lacklustre 2019. Operators have thus had to sell assets or borrow money to keep their businesses going. Ma added that many Chinese businesspeople were struggling because of the economy, and only those who keep “studying, communicating with others, work very hard, and adapt themselves,” are the ones who “can move forward in 2020 -the most difficult period.” Anyone, as well as any Chinese watcher, from not only mainstream media but also YouTube, can see that the Chinese economy is heading for a bubble burst starting from real estate transactions in late 2019-2020. I believe that the cryptography law might be an emergency measure, by freezing all Chinese assets to prevent the impending Chinese economic collapse.
A private company of Nissan Motor welcomes an outside director from the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI) like Masakazu Toyoda and the government officials from METI interfere with Nissan Motor's business. These business customs look crazy. The majority of the Japanese economy is socialist market economy dominated by the government officials, not the private sectors with economic liberalism, and is no different from a state controlled economy by the Communist Party of China. There is no new development in Japan unless the nation's bureaucratic structure is rebuilt.
Glyphosate, a major herbicide component remaining in the foods we eat every day, has been shown to cause food allergies, cancer, and developmental disorders. The US, Canada and Australia, which produce nearly 100% of Japan's imported wheat, soy and corn, apply herbicides before harvesting to save farming effort.
深層学習(Deep Learning)というキラーテクノロジーを駆使して飛躍的に人工知能(AI)が性能を上げている。画像認識や音声認識などに続いて文章読解の分野でも、AIが人間の平均レベルを超えた。Googleはこの新しいAI技術を駆使した自然言語処理AIであるBERTを組み込んで、検索サービスや翻訳サービスなどで世界を独走している。ところが、日本人が使いこなせるアプリ・サービスに日本語圏では圧倒的な壁がある。
Artificial intelligence (AI) has dramatically improved its performance by making full use of the killer technology called deep learning. AI has surpassed the average level of humans in the field of text reading following image recognition and voice recognition. Google is running the world in search and translation services by incorporating BERT, a natural language processing AI. However, there are overwhelming barriers in Japanese-speaking applications and services that Japanese can use.
I've picked up 10 personal news stories for the year-end and New Year greetings.
Tiananmen 2.0 has been progressing slowly in Hong Kong, not for a day, but for several months. In Hong Kong, boasting freedom of expression and freedom of the press, tens of thousands of photos and videos have been displayed and stockpiled as evidence files for Tiananmen 2.0. The protesters who have been fighting to win their own freedom represent us at the battle front where we will be the next if we do not get aware.
2019年度の年⾦制度の国際ランキング(Mercer Ltd.)によると、⽇本の年⾦制度は先進国を中⼼とする37の国と地域のうち31位だった。ランキングの⾸位はオランダ、2位はデンマークで前年と変わらなかった。これらの北欧諸国では、平均余命に合わせて公的年⾦の⽀給開始年齢が変動する仕組みを取り⼊れており、「持続性」の評価が⾼い。日本は年⾦の十分性と持続性を問う項⽬の評価が低いという。
According to "Compare The World’s Pension Systems" in 2019 (Mercer Ltd.), Japan's pension system ranked 31st out of 37 countries and regions, mainly advanced and developed nations. The first place in the ranking was the Netherlands, and the second place was Denmark, unchanged from the previous year. In these Scandinavian countries, there is mechanism which changes the age when the pension starts to pay depending on the life expectancy, and the sustainability is highly evaluated. Japan is poorly evaluated for its efficiency and sustainability of the pension system.
2019/11/05のGuy Fawkes Dayは香港で覆面禁止法が施行されてから1カ月となり、街はマスク姿で抗議する人であふれました。Guy Fawkesは、今から414年前の1605年、イギリスで王を殺害しようとした事件の実行者とされる人物です。王に反抗したこの事件の内容から、彼の顔を模した「Guy Fawkes mask」が「権力者への抗議」のシンボルとして使われるようになります。香港でも2019/11/05、大勢の参加者が抗議のためにマスクを着用してデモ隊のテーマソングとなった「香港に栄光あれ」を合唱しました。
Guy Fawkes Day on November 5, 2019, has been one month since the anti-masking law was enforced in Hong Kong, and the city was full of protesters in masks. Guy Fawkes was a person who is believed to be the executor of an attempt to kill King James I in England in 1605, 414 years ago. From the contents of this case that rebelled against the king, “Guy Fawkes mask” that imitates his face has been used as a symbol of “protest against the power”. In Hong Kong on November 5, 2019, a large number of participants sang “Glory in Hong Kong”, which is the theme song of the demonstrators wearing masks to protest.
On the earth, people of power excessively commit murders to maintain their power and to display their power. It is not limited to the people of power in dictatorship countries like North Korea and China. Even the president of the United States who calls for freedom and peace has the same habits and the clear evidences disappoint us completely. When we heard the story of Kim Jong Un killing 100 people a year, we could hardly believe our ears. President Obama's assassination order was reported to be 400-500 people a year. Xi Jinping has deprived the lives of more than hundreds of thousands citizens a year. When we face these facts, there seems no hope in front of us.
I’ve got a question from a wealthy acquaintance, "How do Japanese stocks work with the weak yen?" I tried to answer his question. Can you immediately answer the linkage of two economic indicators?
On October 25, 2002, Mr. Kohki Ishii, a member of the House of Representatives of the Democratic Party, was attacked by a thief at a parking lot in Tokyo, and his left chest was stabbed to die. In his parliamentary activities, Mr. Ishii cut into the country's opaque Special Accounts, considering the waste of semigovernmental corporations and bureaucracies as issues. He had conducted his own investigations using national census rights and consistently denounced power fraud.
Unfortunately, after Mr. Ishii's assassination, none of courageous parliamentarians have tried to cure this structure. Even if a large amount of the national budget is invested in a public-private economic system with an unclear structure such as Special Accounts, it will only result in feathering their own nests of the vested companies and corrupt bureaucrats. The detail of Special Accounts must be made clear in front of the public, and the corrupt bureaucrats will be dragged out to the public and continued to be condemned.
It's time when insects sing behind the door. The morning and evening temperatures drop, and the leaves of the trees are darkly colored. It makes me feel the deepening fall. We now name cricket “korogi”, but in the past they called cricket “Kirigirisu”. I would like to enjoy reading in the autumn evening with delicious food. I want to learn various colors of life and choose the favorite way of life.
The supplementary election of the House of Councilors Saitama, which will be voted on October 27, 2019, is an election that requires an agonizing choice for a Saitama citizen. This election seems just a waste of money and time.
Chrysanthemum flowers began to bloom. On that day, there was a custom of drinking chrysanthemum liquor with chrysanthemums and wishing for longevity and good health. Chrysanthemum fairs and chrysanthemum festivals are held in various places, and varieties of chrysanthemums are raised for ornamental purposes. Chrysanthemums were said to have medicinal effect for longevity. Chrysanthemums came from China as medicinal herbs. In Chinese medicine, chrysanthemums are known as eye medicine. Chrysanthemums are effective in redness, swelling, pain, and vision loss in the eyes.
It's time when the wild geese cross from the north. After the swallows leaving to the south, and the wild geese flies from the northern country. The first wild goose in the year is called "Hatsukari", and the sound of the wild geese is called "Karigane". The wild geese from far from Siberia etc. do not lose sight because they are flying by using the position of the Sun or the north polar star as a guide. The first bird produces buoyancy and reduces the load of the following birds. When the first bird gets tired, the another bird takes turns. The group of the wild geese work shoulder to shoulder and cross a long journey. The flying appearance of lining up shoulder to shoulder of the wild geese is called "Gankou".
It's time for paddy fields to dry up and to work for harvesting rice. The word rice is made up of the kanji characters 'eighty-eight', which means that it takes eighty eight labor tasks to make rice. When we were small and left a grain of rice in a bowl or lunch box, our parents said, "You should know how hard the farmer worked to make rice and don't waste even a grain of rice". Rice is an important food that farmers have made with great efforts.
The fact that there is water flowing into the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant site, conversely means, there is water that flows from the site into the underground water vein. No one has controlled the contaminated water flowing into this underground waterway since the nuclear accident. Only the increased amount of contaminated water as a result of subtracting outflow from groundwater inflow has been discussed and paid attention due to the storage tank capacity issues, but the contaminated water flowing into the groundwater vein continues to be hidden.
It'a time for insects enter and seal the holes they have burrowed. When summer is over, insects that have been active outside detect the coming of cold and begin preparing for winter. The larvae of butterflies become puppies and prepare for the cold, while stag beetles and ladybugs quietly wait for spring in the roots and soil of the trees.
A Japanese district court has found all three former executives of Tokyo Electric Power Company not guilty in the only criminal prosecution stemming from the 2011 nuclear disaster in Fukushima. The executives are: Tsunehisa Katsumata who was the chairman of TEPCO at the time of the accident, and two former vice presidents, Ichiro Takekuro and Sakae Muto. The prosecution says the executives are responsible for professional negligence resulting in death and injury. The focus of the trial had been on whether the defendants could have predicted the tsunami, and if so, whether the accident could have been prevented. The strict judgment criteria were applied to the recognition of crimes that caused accidents. The judgment says that the occurrence of a tsunami exceeding 10 meters was not inevitable enough to being found guilty of not fulfilling the business responsibility to stop the operation of the nuclear power plant, and the accident could not be prevented even if countermeasure construction was undertaken. At first glance it seems legitimate, but it means no one takes responsibility for this serious accident, and any serious accidents caused by nuclear power plants will not be prevented in the future.
It's time for thunder to cease. After the summer solstice, which has the longest daytime, the day when the day and the night are almost the same is the Autumnal Equinox Day. After this day, the daytime will become shorter and head for the winter solstice, which has the shortest daytime. Instead of the thunderhead, you can see sky covered with clouds resembling the patterns on a mackerel's back, that is a sign of autumn. Just when the rice grows, lightning is often seen. A chemical reaction occurs due to lightning, and nitrogen in the air decomposes and combines with oxygen to form nitrogen compounds. Nitrogen compounds turn into nitric acid in the rain and dissolve in the ground, which has a positive effect on crop growth. This is also a process of amino acid synthesis, and science is unravelling the process of birth of life.
It’s time for the swallows who came in the spring and raised their children during the summer to return to warm southern countries in winter. They travel thousands of kilometers to Southeast Asia and Australia. They may travel more than 300km a day. Sadly however, the total number of swallows inhabiting in Japan has fallen significantly to less than one-third over the past 45 years.
It's time when wagtails begin to sing. Wagtails are birds that prefer watersides, and are often seen in the upstream area of the river. There is a description in "Nihonshoki" (the Chronicle of Japan) that in the manner of waving their tails, wagtails taught how to mate men and women to Izanagi and Izanami. The country of Japan was born after learning from the life in harmony with nature like this, and we would like to live by following the changes of the seasons and the beautiful nature.
Regarding the reorganization of the Cabinet, Shinjiro Koizumi's appointment as the Minister of Environment (Nuclear power plant and Disaster prevention) can be said to be “exquisite” personnel for the Abe Cabinet. When he solves the contaminated water problem and pioneers a way to push the denuclearization policy as the core policy of the Liberal Democratic Party, with the approval of the majority across the ruling and opposition parties, the constitutional amendment that Prime Minister Abe longed for may be able to work together. After this, the cleanup after the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant will be highlighted.
The morning dew that has fallen on the leafs appears to be white and cool. The seasonal change from summer to autumn has come. It is said that it's sunny when the dew falls, and the morning dew tells you the weather of the day. It's time to enjoy the taste of many seasonal ingredients as the autumn harvest finally starts. However, overeating is not allowed for longevity. The password "kusanotsuyushiroshi" will open the door to the page where you can read an additional story about food that dominates life.
The exhibition “no freedom of expression, then” at the international art festival “Aichi Triennial 2019” held in Aichi Prefecture was canceled due to terrorist notices and threats. This measure is clearly in violation of the Constitution that guarantees "freedom of expression".
The comfort women statue, one of exhibitions with major concern, was created with the intention of appealing to the victims of human rights violations, but it does not seem to have a deep expression of art. Regarding human rights violation which comfort women suffered, there are many controversies surrounding the truth of the facts, the extent of the damage to human rights, etc.
Once upon a time, cereals were mainly foxtail millet and barnyard millet, not rice or wheat. When the tax rate of tribute rice was high, farmers couldn't eat their own rice and ate foxtail millet and barnyard millet. Next month, the consumption tax rate will finally reach 10%, and we will not be able to fully enjoy this harvesting at our table. It's time to change our consciousness from full stomach to contentment. The password "kokumonosunawachiminoru" will open the door to the page where you can read an additional story about food that dominates life.
On August 25, 2019, a police officer fired at the sky to threaten the Hong Kong demonstrators. The situation in Hong Kong has become very similar to the Tiananmen incident that occurred on June 4, 1989. And the line that the Beijing government can't give up is the success of One Belt, One Road Initiative Summit to be held in Hong Kong on September 11-12, 2019 and the 70th anniversary ceremony of China National Day on October 1, 2019. If the Beijing government carries out the designed counterintelligence work and saves his face, this weekend will be the deadline.
It's time for the summer heat of the earth to be alleviated and the smell of autumn to deepen. Autumn, which we only smelled the sign of, we take a chance to harvest at first sight. The cool breeze shakes the heads of rice, rocks the nuts and begins to blow comfortably over the ground. The password "tenchihajimetesamushi" will open the door and help students to complete reading impressions essay for the assignment of summer vacation.
The movement of South Korea leaving the United States and flowing into China was obvious six years ago. South Korea decided to terminate Japan-Korea GSOMIA on August 22, 2019. Eventually, the United States will withdraw from South Korea and redraw its defense line to the Tsushima Strait. The latest tit-for-tat dispute between Japan and South Korea will change not only the future of industry, but also Japan's security condition significantly.
It is time when a cotton wrapping bag begins to open. Cotton blooms yellow flowers and bears fruit, and the fruit eventually bounces and a fluffy white ball appears. I have just come back from the memorial place in this season of 35 years ago. The password that opens the door is "watanohanashibehiraku".
In the cool air of morning and evening, the forest and the waterside are filled with deep white fog, creating a fantastic landscape. I remember the lyrics of the chorus “Lemon-colored fog” sung in the summer 42 years ago. Languages such as white birch forest, camp fire, plateau night, and fog that turns the sun into lemon-colored are engraved in my heart as the symbol of summer that has been circulated dozens of times later, and they seem to have formed my life.
August 15, is the 74th memorial day of the end of the War. To my regret, Hanasaki Tokuharu High School and Naruto High School were both defeated in the third round in Koshien. Higurashi cicada begins to sing and 2019 summer ends.
It is the season when the cool breeze begins to blow. It will be fall according to the 24 seasons in the solar year. Today is the 74th memorial day after the atomic bomb dropped in Hiroshima 74 years ago. The reason why I dared to turn the seasonal page early is the summer Koshien touches me today.
For long-term industrial development, government intervention results in a negative legacy. Government's interference with the market will stop the breath of Japan's chemical and materials companies that only maintain international competitiveness in the semiconductor manufacturing industry.
It is sunny and sunny today unlike yesterday. Really hot summer has come! Let's enjoy it.
President Trump's daughter and adviser Ivanka Trump delivered brief remarks at a women's empowerment event of the Osaka G20 summit. She emphasized "when women work, economies grow !" and she impressed us with her powerfully strong role in the G20 conference in Japan, no other special attentions payed by the international community. On the other hand, President Trump tweeted the possibility of visiting North Korea after G20, which has been realized immediately. The President Donald Trump has become the first sitting US president to set foot in North Korea, meeting Kim Jong-un in the demilitarised zone (DMZ). Although the face of the prime minister Abe appeared on the screen in Osaka G20, it'll be evaluated that he did not actually do anything.
東京2020大会のシティキャスト(都市ボランティア)として観光案内を行う際の参考にと「東京観光バリアフリー情報ガイド」の紹介がありました。このガイドには、都内の人気観光スポットをつなぐ30コースが紹介されており、周辺施設の観光情報が掲載されています。高齢者や障害者などに安心して都内観光を楽しんでもらおうと東京都が用意したもので、移動ルート上のバリア・バリアフリー情報が充実しています。現地での観光をより充実したものにするためには事前にどこを訪れるかを決めておくことが大切です。ところがネットで目的地などを指定して検索すると、余りにも多くの情報に溺れてしまいがちです。そこで(世界中の観光スポットでの具体的な体験を紹介する)サイトのいくつか(今の選択は地球の歩き方、TABIPPO、culture tripの3つ)を選択して検索できるようにしてみました。
"Tokyo Sightseeing Accessibility Guide" introduces thirty courses that connect sightseeing spots in Tokyo. On the page for each course under "Route," you will find an easy-to-read map that displays the course from start to finish, as well as accessibility information along the travel route, tips, and more. In order to make the sightseeing more fulfilling, it is important to decide where to visit in advance. The keywords search focused on the sites including the reviewers' comments would be helpful.
I saw an AI robot that mastered gymnastics performance on the steel bar spinning with its body fully extended by itself, when I was convinced AI can go beyond human knowledge. Technical singularity that was supposed to be in 2045 is in fact immediately approaching. Being aware of and recognizing the power of AI will give us valuable opportunities to think deeply about human nature such as human imperfection or death.
Vegetables harvested early in the morning were displayed for sale. They sell fresh vegetables that occasionally do not meet market specifications, but they are absolutely cheap and fresh. Most of them will be sold out in the morning. The locations of the stores were visualized on the map as you can get to the places easily. I believe you can see this kind of vegetable stores only in Japan.
Why don't we respect the freedom of speech. Koga Nonoka, Japanese female high-school student, pointed out that the mushroom clouds as logo are strange and uncomfortable. Agnes Chow, member of Demosistō has wanted Hong Kong to be free and be her home as what it was before 1997.
30 years have passed since Tiananmen Massacre that occurred just after the beginning of Heisei period. There is no freedom in China to see these historical videos by means of government censorship. China's surveillance society seems to have not changed for 30 years, with cars, smartphones, drones, etc. being flooded and economically developing in the cities of skyscrapers growing.
1週間ぐらいブログの更新そっちのけで凝っていたことは、先週ブログで紹介した天然石で作った風鈴の探求です。並行して立ち上げた新しいWebサイトに記事を投稿する形で表現したので見てみて下さい。作った風鈴の写真を上のサイトページの中で虫眼鏡を使って拡大してみたら、透き通った音色の正体は虎目石(Tiger's eye)と呼ばれる天然石で、石に垂れるしおりには「衆議院を解散する!」と記されて風に吹かれています。これは透き通った音が、私の脳裏だけに映し出した光景でしょうか。解散風に右往左往する議員の滑稽な姿に、お腹を抱えて笑うだけのあなたは呑気すぎます。
Prime Minister Abe declared his clear intention of "dissolution of the House of Representatives", that I was convinced on May 30th. Accordingly the consumption tax hike will be definitely postponed.
夏本番をひかえ、天然石を使って涼しい音の風鈴(ふうりん)を作ってみました。金属と天然石が響き合う音色が楽しめます。風鈴は使う材料の形や素材によって異なる音を生み出します。天然石には水晶(クォーツ)が含まれますので、特有の澄んだ響きが遠くまでこだまします。自然の風に吹かれて風鈴が、心に響く高音域の音楽を奏でてくれます。身の回りにある材料を組み合わせて工夫して、虎目石(tiger's eye)で作った風鈴をご覧ください。
I made a new web site respecting natural stones and posted an article about my wind chime. Once again, you can enjoy the cool tone that metal and natural stones resonate. (p.s.You can choose the language from the menu at the bottom of the page.)
"Life depends on compromise." In such circumstances, the honuorable Japanese fulfilled their responsibilities by breaking their lives. Will the bright British live long and reveal themselves having been distressed, or go silently to the grave ?
Wildflowers lining along the banks of Moto-Arakawa
あらかわの ほとりにつらなる のはなかな
Wildflowers which are untouched by people seem very natural and precious.
An ideal way of life is "pinpinkorori"; staying healthy until old age, then dying painlessly. And we wish we could do only what we want to do. Why not? Are we dying without doing anything?
The Japanese Imperial succession controversy is hot and dividing Japan politically. We should understand what is the Emperor for us and how paternal inheritance has been maintained. In the past, the imperial family keeping the paternal line has protected the country from dictatorship and catastrophic disputes between powerful authorities. In the near future, adopting genetic modification technology for the succession to the Imperial Throne will be a solution.
Let's identify fair modern history by getting out of the Tokyo Trails views. The world's media commonly covers and dishonours the Emperor as a symbol of Japan, by making him reflect on the war and by adding words of "sex slaves" intentionally. We have to confirm the truth with our own eyes and speak actively in order to correct information and clear the stigma.
新しい元号「令和(れいわ)」は、1300年以上ある日本の元号の歴史の中で初めて「国書」が典拠とされた。『万葉集』巻五「梅花の歌三十二首并(あわ)せて序」の「初春令月、気淑風和」から漢字2字を組み合わせたという。初春(しょしゅん)の令月(れいげつ)にして、気淑(よ)く風和(やわら)ぎ…と続くはしがきに記された古代日本の美しい春の景色である。個人的には、昭和に生まれ、平成を経験し、令和の時代に死ぬだろうから、三代の天皇を戴いて生きることになる。天皇の謚(おくりな)となる元号を介して、私たちは体験や感動、信頼感や人生観を共有する民族だと思う。梅の花の景色や美しさは万葉の時代も今も変わらないが、一人ひとりが令和の時を刻み、生を貫いた結果の総体が、唯一無二の令和の時代意識になって、後世の日本人に引き継がれる。Reiwa – Japan’s new imperial era – represents beautiful harmony and adheres to the established naming custom in that it comprises two kanji characters. A break with centuries of tradition as the first era name to have been inspired by a Japanese, rather than Chinese, work of classical literature is made for the first time in thirteen centuries. The characters are taken from a stanza in a poem about plum blossoms that appears in Man’yoshu, the oldest existing collection of Japanese poetry, that described the beautiful spring landscape of Yamato, an ancient Japan.Personally, having been born in Showa, having passed by Heisei, and to die in Reiwa, I live in three eras of the Emperor. I think that we Japanese are people who share movements, experiences, impressions, mutual confidence, and views of life through the era of the Emperor.The scenery and beauty of plum blossoms do not change even in an ancient Japan, I believe. The whole outcome of every one struggling through its life and engraving its life in the era of Reiwa will become an era conscious of one and only, and be taken over by the next Japanese generation.
Hong Kong's press was once rated the most free in Asia. Today, it's 73rd in the Reporters Without Borders World Press Freedom Index, down from 18th in 2002 and 61st in 2014. As 'Umbrella' protesters feared five years ago, Beijing's muzzling critics has succeeded and Hong Kong's press freedom has been dead. China’s atmosphere control is spreading not only in mainland China and Hong Kong, but all over the world. Historical memories when freedom of speech being killed by armed forces are as follows; 30 years have passed since Tiananmen Massacre that occurred just after the beginning of Heisei period. There is no freedom in China to see these historical videos by means of government censorship.
既に始まっている第三次世界大戦は、米国と中国の覇権争いである。 この世界戦争の本質は、サイバー戦争であり、情報を奪い分析し、企業と個人を支配する主導権争いだ。そこでは、 原爆ではなく5GとAIが、勝ち負けを左右する秘密兵器(killer weapon)となる。 注目されているHuaweiという機関の5Gへの参画に関するメディアの報道を見ていると、かつての英国覇権(ヘゲモニー)が今も見え隠れするので興味深い。巷で流れる報道や情報は(メインストリームメディアもネットメディアも含むすべて)、ジャーナリズムというよりもプロパガンダと観測気球を目的とした情報で構成されている。私たちは世界の覇権を握ろうと意図する主体に操られ、振り回される。日本が少しでも世界に貢献するには、政府も、メディアも、そして私たちもやはり独立が必要で、英国に学ばなければならないと実感する。
The opening of the Third World War was declared. The United States and China are competing for the world's next hegemony. The essence of this world war is the information war, where ”propaganda” and ”observation balloons” fly on the media and on the net every day. 5G and AI, not the atomic bomb, will be the killer weapon to win or lose in the cyber warfare. However, no neutral media to cover the outcome of the war, and all information is biased. What era on earth will be engraved in history after Pax Britannica, Pax Americana?
世界の写真ファンに人気のSNS(flickr)のサイトで、ドローンと自然で写真を選んでみた。新しい時代令和のカメラワーク(撮影技巧)は、空飛ぶカメラの操縦技術(drone work)に変わりつつある。
Why don't you choose the photos by searching drone&nature on the SNS (flickr) site. In the new era of "Leiwa", the camera work is changing to the flying camera operation technique which I call "drone work".
Since ancient times human beings wanted to fly like the birds. The dream has come true. Prior to the realization of flying cars and taxis, our drones equipped with cameras travel around the globe endlessly and take a look at the scene instantly.
埼玉りそな銀行浦和中央支店のからくり時計「パルソン」、一日に何回も演奏があるし、季節ごとに歌や装いが変わるので飽きない。浦和の繁華街ではあるが、時を忘れて憩いの時間を過ごせる。演奏時間 9:00、12:00、15:00、17:00
There is a gimmick clock called "PalSong" in front of a bank branch office in Urawa. "Palsong" stands for pals(friends) and song. Since being set up in June 1987, it has been popular with adults as well as children as the symbol of Urawa. Watching the PalSong's play reminds me of the gimmick clocks at a church and an old municipal office in Europe, where I had been waiting for the plays when I traveled around Europe in early spring of 1987.
Newly designed bills and coins will be issued soon. Let's think about "money" you are using every day. Day after day, we work for money, laugh for money, cry for money. Why Japanese GDP didn't grow in more than 20 years, despite the volume of GDP in other economic powers like China, India, even USA has increased progressively. We should spend this special holidays thinking about what money really is.
Will a python send a chill down your spine? Let's imagine how your mind is connected to DNA. The last mechanism of immortality will be clarified soon.
ブラックホールを視覚的にとらえるという歴史的な成果がEHT(Event Horizon Telescope)と呼ばれる国際プロジェクトチームから2019年4月10日に発表された。世界の8つの電波望遠鏡を連動させ、200人もの科学者が連携した国際チームが世界で初めて写し出したブラックホールの画像である。そもそも、光さえ脱出できないという”ブラックホール”を、視覚的に”見る”という本質的な問いに対して、科学者たちが答えを示したものだ(中央にあるブラックホールは見えないが、その周辺から抜け出して、はるばる旅してきた光をとらえたものだ)。「百聞は一見にしかず」という言葉の通り、この写真を見ることで、ブラックホールの存在が腑に落ちた人も多いだろう。
Scientists gave an answer to the essential question of “seeing” black hole, that even light can not escape from. Though you can not see the black hole in the center, you can see the light which had traveled all the way from the vicinity of the black hole.
I tried to search photos with cherry blossoms falling off the tree on the site of SNS (flickr), which is popular among photographers in the world. I would like to have my new era's aspirations, watching the cherry blossoms in the last moment of Heisei. This cold rainy day allows us to enjoy the videos taken in this spring.
世界の写真ファンに人気のSNS(flickr)のサイトに、地球上で咲いた桜の写真が刻々とアップされて公開されている。桜(SAKURA:cherry blossom)一般のSNSの写真と異なり、多くの写真に位置情報が添えられているので、写真を選択すればその写真を撮った場所を知ることができる。あなたの近くの桜の、今の花の様子を確認してお花見に繰り出せる。
Location information is attached to most of photos in the "flickr". When you click a photo, you'll see where it was taken.You can check out the current cherry blossoms in the neighborhood and go out to see them.
天候も舞台も整い、宴お待ちかね(2019/03/26 00:29)
一足先に夜桜見物(2019/03/22 00:24)
湖面からお花見できるよ、かわるがわるボート漕ごうよ、お母さん。(2019/03/22 00:13)
8 years have passed since the Great East Japan Earthquake occured, people's memories will fade. Looking back on the blog I spelled, the memory at that time comes back to the back of my eyelids again. Children are dying due to low dose exposure according to Nuclear Controversies, by Wladimir Tchertkoff, 51min, Feldat Film Switzerland, 2004. We have to face and explore the truth of radiation exposure ongoing.
On March 3rd (on the day of serpent during the beginning of the month in ancient China, people practiced the custom of making ablutions in the river to purify their bodies and expel the unclean; which was called Joshi) in 2019, some milestones in my life have been achieved.
東京マラソンやその関連イベントと連携するランニングアプリであるONE TOKYOの初心者クラス(ジョガー)において、2019年1月のランキング1位となっている。1月8日現在、ジョガークラスには532人のエントリーがあり、ポイント、ラン回数、走行距離の3部門で1位を維持している。ONE TOKYOは、ランニングスポーツの愛好者が競い合い、交流できる場を提供するランニングアプリで、有料のプレミアムメンバーと無料のクラブメンバーがある。ONE TOKYOに登録することで、毎日のトレーニングの状況を管理して達成度を位置づけたり、ヴァーチャルマラソン大会に参加したり、メールマガジンやWEBサービスの提供を受けることができる。
With wild ducks sliding, the first workout along Furutone River
真言宗が立教・開宗されて1200年の節目、すなわち、弘仁14年(823年)に真言宗の宗祖である弘法大師空海が、嵯峨天皇から東寺を賜ってからもうすぐ1200年になる。何気なく耳を澄ましていると、空海を近くに感じるチャンスや便りが飛び込んでくる。Twelve hundred years are about to pass since the year 823, when Emperor Saga gave To-ji in Kyoto to Kobo Daishi Kukai, the founder of the Shingon sect (when To-ji became the Grand head temple of the Toji Shingon sect). Esoteric Buddhist arts from the Lecture Hall of To-ji made by the initiative of Kukai will be exhibited at Tokyo National Museum in spring next. The essence is a three dimensional Mandala consisting 15 statues (out of 21) which presents the original soul of an esoteric Buddhism.空海が唐より持ち帰って東寺の講堂に作り上げ、安置されている21体からなる立体曼荼羅のうち、史上最多となる15体が出品される予定である。東京国立博物館で来春(2019.03.26〜)展示される立体曼荼羅などの美術品を通して、真言密教の世界を体感してみてはいかがでしょう。空海が悟りを開いた場所として知られる室戸市室戸岬町の御厨人窟(みくろど)と神明窟(しんめいくつ)の内部への立ち入りが今年12月にも認められるそうだ。両窟ともに落石で閉鎖されていたが、御厨人窟は3年ぶり、神明窟は6年ぶりに再び入れるようになる。御厨人窟では2015年11月、長さ約2.5m、幅50㎝の石の落下があった。雨の浸食などで崩れたとみられ、市は窟の前に柵を設けて封鎖した。神明窟も2012年に落石があり、封鎖されていた。室戸市が文化庁や環境省などと交渉を続け、窟の入り口に落石防止の金属網で覆った仮設テントを設置するという。市教育委員会によると「入窟は自己責任として、ヘルメット着用を義務づける」とのこと。洞窟の中に入れるようになっても、悟りの修業までは無理そうだ。今春、『空海−KU-KAI− 美しき王妃の謎』という映画が製作され、唐の首都・長安の街がかつてない規模で再現して描かれてエンターテインメントとして放映された。中国語もサンスクリット語も読めない私としては、原典や学術書には手も足も出ない。少しでも生の空海に近づきたいと模索していたところ、小説ではあるが司馬遼太郎氏の「空海の風景 上下」が興味深く読めた。参考までに映像化された番組をリンクしておいた。新たな空海の便りに触れる毎に情報更新していきたい。